Online Meeting for Main Road Corridor:
Segment A - March 2020 Recommended Preferred Alternative


Charleston County welcomes you to the online public information meeting for Segment A: US 17 & Main Road Intersection and Main Road Improvements from Bees Ferry Road to River Road/Chisolm Road. The purpose of this meeting is to present the recommended preferred alternative for this project. We invite you to review the process of how the County narrowed down the design alternatives, and provide your feedback. The project team will use your comments to help shape the future of this important project. The public comment period has closed.

How did the County select the recommended preferred alternative?

Each design alternative went through a multi-tier screening process to evaluate estimated impacts and determine how it met the project’s purpose and need. The final step in the screening process evaluated:

  • impacts to environmental resources such as streams and wetlands
  • ability to perform with anticipated future traffic volumes
  • potential property relocation impacts for both residential and commercial properties
  • overall project cost

What is the recommended preferred alternative?

Charleston County proposes to move forward with Alternative 5A at US 17 and Main Road, and Alternative E2 at Main Road and River Road/Chisolm Road. Alternatives 5A and E2 performed the best overall at relieving traffic congestion, had the least overall environmental impacts, and had among the fewest relocations of all alternatives considered. Additionally, Alternative E2 had the lowest estimated cost to construct.

What Happens Next?

Once the public comment period has ended, the design team will continue to develop and refine the preferred alternative. This will help define the exact impacts the design will have on the environment and existing properties. Once this process is complete, the County will submit a permit application for impacts to Waters of the U.S. (wetlands and streams) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). USACE will ultimately permit the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative (LEDPA). USACE must agree that the County’s recommended preferred alternative is the LEDPA before issuing the required permits. Once the County has received all required permits, and all necessary rights-of-way have been acquired, the project can proceed to construction.

Main Road Corridor Map

Main Road Corridor Map

This map illustrates the three segments of the Main Road Corridor project:

Segment A begins at Bees Ferry Road and ends just south of the River Road/Chisolm Road Intersection.

Segment B, which is currently inactive, begins just south of the River Road/Chisolm Road intersection and ends just north of Maybank Highway.

Segment C begins just north of Maybank Highway and ends at Betsy Kerrison Parkway. The County anticipates holding a public information meeting to present potential design alternatives for Segment C this summer.


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Process

All federally aided projects and/or projects with the need for federal permitting must comply and adhere to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The NEPA process requires the completion of the following:

  • Public input
  • 18 different technical studies
  • Development of alternatives
  • Analysis of alternatives
  • Development of a Preferred Alternative
  • Preparation of a draft environmental assessment
  • Revision of the Preferred Alternative
  • US Army Corps of Engineers decision

Recommended Preferred Alternative

Recommended Preferred Alternative

The graphic shows the recommended preferred alternative for the Main Road Corridor: Segment A project. The upper right hand corner of the display shows the information evaluated in the screening process:

  • the estimated quantity and type of impacts to the natural environment
  • how well traffic will operate
  • whether it will require relocating residents or businesses
  • how much it will cost

Alternative 5A slide shows the improvements specific to the intersection of US 17 and Main Road.

Alternative E2 slide shows the improvements specific to the intersection of Main Road and River Road/Chisolm Road.

Main Road Widening slide shows the widening of Main Road from the new interchange to the intersection of River Road/Chisolm Road.

Continue through the slides for more information on Alternative 5A, Alternative E2 and Main Road Widening.

Alternative 5A

Alternative 5A: Recommended Intersection Improvements at US 17 and Main Road

Alternative 5A includes:

  • a full, new location interchange for access from US 17 to Main Road
  • a new bridge overpass of Main Road over US 17 at the existing intersection
  • a new signalized intersection where the overpass connects to Main Road and the new interchange
  • a new multi-use path connection from West Ashley Greenway, along Main Road, to the existing Bees Ferry Road multi-use path

The upper right hand corner of the display compares Alternative 5A to Alternatives 1 and 7.

On the next slide you can view the other alternatives considered for the intersection of US 17 and Main Road.

Alternatives 1 & 7

Alternatives 1 & 7

Alternative 1: Considered Intersection Improvements at US 17 and Main Road

Alternative 1 includes a tight urban diamond interchange at the intersection of US 17 and Main Road. The upper right hand corner compares Alternative 1 to Alternatives 5A and 7. Based on this alternative’s impacts to the environment, how it will operate with future traffic, and the number residential and commercial displacements it requires, the County does not recommend Alternative 1.


Alternative 7: Considered Intersection Improvements at US 17 and Main Road

Alternative 7 includes a diverging diamond interchange at the intersection of US 17 and Main Road. The upper right hand corner compares Alternative 7 to Alternatives 1 and 5A. Based on this alternative’s impacts to the environment, how it will operate with future traffic, and the number residential and commercial displacements it requires, the County does not recommend Alternative 7.

Alternative E2

Alternative E2: Recommended Preferred Alternative for the intersection of Main Road and River Road/Chisolm Road

Alternative E2 includes the construction of a dual-lane roundabout at the intersection of Main Road and River Road/Chisolm Road. Alternative E2 is shown in the center of the presented graphic.

Alternatives C and G were also considered for this intersection. The lower right hand corner of the display compares Alternative E2 to Alternatives C and G.

Main Road Widening

Widening of Main Road from the new interchange to River Road and Chisolm Road

    The proposed widening of Main Road includes:

    • Road widening to accommodate 2 travel lanes in each direction
    • Replacing of the existing bridge over the CSX Railroad
    • Restriping of the Limehouse Bridge to accommodate 2 travel lanes in each direction
    • Extending the West Ashley Greenway from where it currently ends to a new multi-use path along Main Road
    • Widening of the Limehouse Bridge to accommodate a new multi-use path

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The comment period has closed.

If you have additional questions, please call 843.202.6137.