Interim Improvements

Main Road at River Road

Project completed Summer 2020

Charleston County listened to the public’s safety concerns regarding the yield condition for those turning right from River Road onto Main Road. To address these concerns, Charleston County is constructing an interim improvement project at the intersection. These improvements will increase safety and more clearly define the right turn yield lane. The County has also worked with the Charleston County Sheriff’s office to put together a public service announcement to explain that those turning right off of River Road must yield to all oncoming traffic, including those turning left from Chisolm Road.

The graphic below shows the changes included in this short-term improvement project. The construction of a raised concrete median (shown in blue), in combination with additional yield signage and pavement markings, will help clearly define the right turn yield lane from River Road onto Main Road. Additionally, the improvements will include moving the current stop bar, the thick white painted line indicating where vehicles should stop, farther back from the intersection. These changes should better indicate that the right turn lane is separate from the intersection, and that all vehicles turning right from River Road must obey the yield sign.

These improvements are temporary until the Main Road Corridor Segment A project is constructed. The construction of Segment A will include a permanent reconfiguration at this intersection, which will improve both safety and traffic flow.

McLeod Mill Road

Project completed Spring 2020

Charleston County recently constructed the Stono River County Park off McLeod Mill Road, near the existing West Ashley Greenway. To improve overall safety for bicyclists and motorists, the County will place shared use pavement markings, called “sharrows,” on McLeod Mill Road. Sharrows are bicycle symbols placed in the roadway indicating that motorists and bicyclists should share the road. This short-term improvement will include installing sharrows on McLeod Mill Road from the West Ashley Greenway to the park entrance.

As part of the Main Road Corridor Segment A project, construction will include extending the West Ashley Greenway from where it currently ends to the Stono River County Park. Segment A will also include a multi-use path along Main Road, from Bees Ferry Road to River and Chisolm Road. The interim improvements will improve safety and increase awareness of bicycle traffic until the permanent improvements are constructed.