Segment A Public Information Meeting Summary – May 2019
On Monday, May 20, 2019 Charleston County held a Public Information Meeting regarding Segment A of the Main Road Corridor project, which begins at Bees Ferry Road and continues along Main Road across US 17, ending at the River and Chisolm Road intersection. During the meeting, the project team met with residents and business owners where they gathered important information and feedback on the project’s proposed alternatives. Read the key information overview below.
Segment A Alternatives
Percentage in Favor
For more details on all of the Conceptual Alternatives, view the Virtual Public Information Meeting site. Note, the public comment period is closed.
Main Road Mainline Alternative
River & Chisolm Intersection Alternatives
Percentage in Favor
Intersection Alternatives
Comment Results
The graphic below shows comment results that were received 10 or more times during the official public comment period.
Can the impacts to wetlands and/or trees be minimized, specifically the Butcher Oak and adjacent wetlands?
Charleston County (the County) will work to avoid Grand Tree and wetland impacts along Main Road where possible. The project team will consider a number of factors in addition to Grand Tree and wetland impacts, including construction cost, property impacts and relocations, future projected traffic, cultural resources, and threatened/ endangered species when complying with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The NEPA process mandates the consideration all of these factors in order to identify the least environmentally damaging practical alternative (LEDPA).
Can the project relocations be minimized, specifically the gas stations, Walgreens, and businesses along Old Charleston Highway?
The County will work to minimize relocations where possible. The project team will consider a number of factors in addition to relocations, including Grand Tree and wetland impacts, construction costs, future projected traffic, cultural resources, and threatened/ endangered species when complying with NEPA. The NEPA process mandates the consideration of all these factors in order to identify the LEDPA.
Once the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approves the County’s recommendation of a preferred alternative, a more detailed design will begin. At that time, the project team will identify any relocations.
Is there any way to accelerate construction prior to 2022?
The County will work to minimize relocations where possible. The project team will consider a number of factors in addition to relocations, including Grand Tree and wetland impacts, construction costs, future projected traffic, cultural resources, and threatened/ endangered species when complying with NEPA. The NEPA process mandates the consideration of all these factors in order to identify the LEDPA.
The County has already began an aggressive schedule in order to advance Segment A to construction in the year 2022.
Charleston County Council approved the segmenting of the Main Road Corridor project on May 16, 2018. Separating the project into three segments expedites the NEPA process by allowing the project team to address the immediate safety and traffic congestion needs of Segment A. The County anticipates that Segments B and C will have a longer permitting process, which they will work on while Segment A moves through the NEPA process and into construction.
In addition to segmenting this project, the County also plans to advertise the construction of Segment A as a Design Build. This means that after receiving approval for a preferred alternative, construction of the project will begin with 30% design plans complete. The County will complete the remaining 70% of the project’s design while construction takes place, accelerating the project’s completion. Additionally, the County entered into a contract with the USACE that will allow their staff to focus solely on Charleston County projects during the NEPA process.
Will you address the current operation of the River Road/Chisolm Road Intersection, specifically the issue of vehicles turning right from River Road onto Main Road conflicting with vehicles turning left from Chisolm Road onto Main Road?
The County is currently evaluating potential interim improvements at the intersection of River Road/Chisolm Road.
Can you halt Johns Island development until infrastructure projects are completed?
Charleston County Transportation Development does not have the authority to issue building moratoriums. Please contact your Elected Officials to further discuss potential building moratoriums.
Certain alternatives add additional traffic signals to the corridor. How will you address traffic flow in regards to the number, placement, and timing of these signals?
The County will complete future traffic modeling up to the year 2043 to ensure that any new traffic signals of the preferred alternative will function efficiently. The modeling will include new and planned developments in the area. Future level of service will be one of the variables used to identify the LEDPA, as required by the NEPA process.
What is being done to address the flooding in this corridor, specifically Main Road between the railroad bridge and US 17?
The project’s purpose does include the alleviation of flooding in this area. The County will have a better idea what measures to implement after deciding on a preferred alternative.
Additionally, Charleston County Public Works has a FEMA grant to replace the culvert under the railroad tracks, which will address flooding. This project will be coordinated with their efforts to ensure the road is at an acceptable elevation. The Public Works Department anticipates the culvert replacement to occur in Summer 2021, pending permit and FEMA approval.
What is being done to address the evacuation routes within the alternatives?
While this project’s purpose does not specifically address hurricane evacuation, the widening of Main Road between Bees Ferry and River/Chisolm will provide congestion relief when entering and exiting the John Island. These improvements should aid in moving cars off the island in an emergency situation.
Can the Project Include bike/ped facilities along the entire corridor?
The scope of the Main Road Corridor: Segment A includes improvements along Main Road from Bees Ferry Road to River Road/Chisolm Road. Bike and pedestrian improvements for Segment A include extending the West Ashley Greenway along Main Road with a multi-use path from the existing railroad bridge to the multi-use path at Bees Ferry Road. The County will meet with stakeholders to discuss bike and pedestrian accommodations across the Limehouse Bridge.
How will residents of Bolton’s Landing neighborhood access and/or make safe U-turns if access to US-17 remains a right-in, right-out only?
The entrance of Bolton’s Landing is not within the scope of this project. We understand the inconvenience of going north on US 17 from Bluewater. The County is hopeful that by improving the intersection and Main Road, the benefits of moving traffic through the intersection more efficiently and safely will lessen the inconvenience of a right-in, right-out for Bolton’s Landing Residences.
Will the drainage design for the project consider future sea level rise?
Yes, the proposed drainage improvements will factor in a 2-ft. sea level rise.