Segment A Online Public Information Meeting Summary – March 2020
Due to the ongoing coronavirus / COVID 19 health crisis, and the recommendation to limit public gatherings, Charleston County canceled the in-person Main Road Corridor Segment A public information meeting scheduled for March 31 at St. John’s High School. The meeting took place as an online meeting and included a segment orientation video, information on how the project team decided on the recommended preferred alternative, and the next steps forward in the project’s development. The County received public comments on the recommended preferred alternative until April 30th.
For more details on the recommended preferred alternative, view the Virtual Public Information Meeting site. Note: the public comment period is closed.
Recommended Preferred Alternative
The below graphic shows the recommended preferred alternative for the Main Road Corridor: Segment A project. The upper right-hand corner of the display shows the information evaluated in the screening process. (click to enlarge)

The County received 81 comments during the 30-day public comment period. The below graphic displays a summary of the type of comments received.

Why is a roundabout recommended for the River Road/Chisolm Road intersection?
The design team recommends a roundabout for the intersection of River/Chisolm Road because traffic modeling suggests that it will provide the most amount of traffic relief over the next 20 years. While peak hour traffic may cause a slight delay as vehicles yield to enter the roundabout, the roundabout will allow for a continuous flow of traffic. A traffic signal necessitates that vehicles come to a complete stop, ultimately resulting in longer delays. Additionally, the roundabout will cost the least to construct and had the least amount of environmental impacts compared to the other alternatives.
In regards to safety, a detailed crash analysis revealed that a roundabout at this intersection will reduce the number of crashes by roughly 50%, as well as reduce the severity of traffic accidents. This is because a roundabout requires vehicles move more slowly through the intersection and they do not provide opportunities for head-on or side-angle collisions. The final design will include appropriate signage to help drivers navigate the dual lane roundabout.
What type of bicycle and pedestrian improvements will Segment A include?
The County is committed to providing bicycle and pedestrian accommodations as part of this project. The presented recommended preferred alternative includes the construction of a 12-ft. wide multi-use path along Main Road and McLeod Mill Road. This path will connect to the West Ashley Greenway, the Bees Ferry Road multi-use path, and the new Stono River County Park. Additionally, the County plans to extend the multi-use path across the Limehouse Bridge, which will require widening of the bridge, to the River Road/Chisolm Road intersection.
Will Segment A include improving access to the Limehouse Boat Landing?
The design team is still evaluating potential alternatives to improve access to the Limehouse Boat Landing, and will include this improvement in the final design plans. The County will make the final design public before moving into construction.