Segment A Public Involvement

Online Public Information Meeting – March 31, 2020

Due to the ongoing coronavirus / COVID 19 health crisis, and the recommendation to limit public gatherings, Charleston County canceled the in-person Main Road Corridor Segment A public information meeting scheduled for March 31 at St. John’s High School. The public information meeting took place as an online meeting, which is available for review. The online meeting includes a video on how to navigate the meeting, as well as information on how the project team decided on a recommended preferred alternative.

Public Information Meeting – May 20, 2019

On Monday, May 20, 2019 Charleston County held a Public Information Meeting regarding Segment A: US 17 and Main Road Intersection & Main Road Improvements – Bees Ferry to River Road. During the meeting, preliminary design alternatives were presented for the Main Road Corridor between Bees Ferry Road and the River Road/Chisolm Road intersection. We invite you to provide comments on each of the proposed alternatives. The project team will use your input to help shape the future of this important project.
